The Prong Horn Antelope
This sole American representative of the Antelope tribe we believe
is seldom trapped; but as it is a well-known animal on the Western
plains, a short mention of it is required here. In general shape
this creature bears considerable resemblance to the deer, the form of
the horn being its chief peculiarity, each one of which is provided
with a single prong, from which the animal takes its name, of Prong
Horn. The color o
the body is brownish-yellow, with the exception
of the rump and belly which are almost white. The Antelopes generally
travel in herds, and are much hunted by the Indians who surround
them and destroy them with heavy clubs. Like the deer, their sense
of smell is especially keen and the same caution is required in
hunting them. In size they are about the same as the Virginian
Deer. They are wonderfully graceful in all their movements, and
are even more fleet of foot than the deer. These Antelopes inhabit
the Western Prairies and wooded borders from New Mexico northward,
and their flesh is much esteemed as an article of diet. They may
be caught in their feeding places, as recommended for the deer,
using the same sized trap.
The dead fall is also efficacious in their capture, and they are
also sometimes taken in large pit-falls covered over with light
sticks and leaves, to resemble the natural surroundings. On this
false covering, the bait, consisting of green corn or other vegetables,
is strewn and a high wall of logs or stones is erected around it,
in order that the animal will be obliged to jump slightly in
order to reach the bait.
Remove the hide as recommended for the deer.