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The Wild Duck Net


Following will be found two examples of traps in very common use

for the capture of wild ducks, and in the region of Chesapeake

bay, immense numbers of the game are annually taken by their aid.

The first is the well known net trap, so extensively used in nearly

all countries, both for the capture of various kinds of fish as

well as winged game. Our illustration gives a very clear idea of

the construction of the net, an
an elaborate description is almost

superfluous. It consists of a graduated series of hoops covered

by a net work. From each a converging net extends backward ending

in a smaller hoop which is held in position by cords extending

therefrom to the next larger hoop. The depth of these converging

nets should extend backward about three or four feet from the large

hoop; and the distance between these latter should be about five

feet. The length of the net should be about twenty feet, terminating

in a pound or netted enclosure, as seen in the illustration. The

trap may be set on shore or in the water as seen. Decoy birds are

generally used, being enclosed in the pound.

When set on land the bait consisting of corn or other grain should

be spread about the entrance and through the length of the net.

It is remarkable that a duck which so easily finds its way within

the netted enclosure, should be powerless to make its escape, but

such seems to be the fact, and even a single hoop with its reflex

net, has been known to secure a number of the game.

