The Season For Trapping
The business of trapping for profit must be confined to the season
between the first of October and the beginning of May, as furs
of all kinds are worthless when taken during the other months of
the year. The reason for this is obvious. A prime fur must be
thick and full, and as all our fur-bearing animals shed
their heavy winter coats as warm weather approaches, it necessarily
follows that the capture at this season would be unprofitable. As
the autumn approaches the new growth appears, and the fur becomes
thick and glossy. By the middle of October most furs are in their
prime, but the heart of winter is the best time for general trapping.
The furs of the mink, muskrat, fisher, marten and beaver are not in
their perfect prime until this season. And all other furs are
sure to be in good condition at this time.