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The Simplest Snare


This is one of the most ingenious and effective devices used in

the art of trapping; and the principle is so simple and universal

in its application to traps in general as to become a matter of

great value to all who are at all interested in the subject. There

is scarcely a trap of any kind which could not be set with the

knotted string and bait stick, at the expense of a little thought

and ingenuity. The principle is
asily understood by a look at

our engraving, which probably represents the simplest twitch-up

it is possible to construct. A stout wooden peg, having a hole the

size of a lead pencil near the top, is driven firmly into the

ground. The knot is made on the end of the draw-string, and passed

through the hole in the peg from behind, being secured in place

by the insertion of the bait stick in front. The latter should be

about four inches long, and should be inserted very lightly,--merely

enough to prevent the knot from slipping back. The noose should be

fastened to the draw-string six or seven inches from the knot,

and arranged in front of the bait at the opening of the pen, which

should be constructed as previously directed. The peg should be

about six inches long and the hole should be made with a 1-3 inch

auger. Dozens of these pegs may be carried without inconvenience,

and utilized in the same number of snares, in a very short time.

We have already described the so-called portable snare; but, for

portability, there is no noose-trap to be compared with the above.

We give also a few other applications of the same principle.

In the second example, a horizontal stick is used instead of the

peg, the hole being made in its centre. Its ends are caught in

notches in opposite sticks at the back part of the pen, and the

noose arranged at the opening.

Again, by a third method (see engraving next page), these notched

sticks may be driven into the ground first, and a row of twigs

continued on them on both sides, thus leaving a passageway between

as represented in the illustration. A noose may then be set at

each opening, with the bait in the middle; so that, at whichever

side it is approached, the result is the same, besides affording

a chance of securing two birds at the same time.

