The Trail
The object of the trail consists in offering a leading scent
which, when followed, will bring the animal to the various traps,
and when properly made will be the means of drawing large numbers
of game from all quarters and from great distances, whereas without
it the traps might remain undiscovered.
Trails are sometimes made to connect a line of traps, as when set
along the banks of streams for mink, etc.
at other times, as in
trapping the fox, for instance, they should extend from the trap on
all sides, like the spokes of a wheel from the hub, thus covering
considerable area, and rendering success more certain than it would
be without this precaution.
The combination medicine just described is excellent for the
purposes of a trail for minks, otter, muskrat, and many other animals.
Soak a piece of meat, or piece of wood in the preparation, and
drag it along the ground between the traps. A dead fish smeared
with the fluid will also answer the same purpose. The soles of
the boots may also be smeared with the medicine and the trail
thus accomplished. Trails of various kinds are considered under
their respective and appropriate heads in the chapters on animals,
all of which will be found useful and effective.