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Tent Carpeting


We have described a most excellent contrivance for a bedstead and

recommend its use whenever possible; but when the bed is desired

to be made on the ground the following method is usually employed,

by which the whole interior of the tent, hut or shanty is carpeted

with a soft, even covering of green.

Spruce or hemlock boughs are generally used, and should be from

the tips of the branches where the wood is
not too large. Commence

at the back part of the shelter, and lay down a row of the boughs

with the butt of the branch towards the front. Overlap these with

another nearer row and continue the operation, laying the evergreen

as evenly as possible until the whole interior is smoothly covered.

The projecting ends at the front, should now be secured by the

weight of a medium sized log, or by a pole pegged down firmly at

intervals. A similar log should now be laid at the back portion

of the shelter over the tips of the boughs after which the bed

is complete, and will be found easy and comfortable in proportion

to the care and skill shown in its construction. A blanket should

be thrown over the boughs before reclining to rest, as the fresh

green gives forth considerable dampness.

If possible a rubber blanket should be used for this purpose. These

consist of thick Canton flannel, coated on one side with Indian

rubber, and are used with the rubber side down. They are warm and

comfortable, and a valuable acquisition to the trapper's outfit.

There is a thinner and cheaper variety, having equal water-proof

qualities but which does not possess the warmth of the former.

Either will be found useful.

So much for beds and bedding. If the reader will now turn

his attention to the following section, The Trapper's Miscellany,

he will find much in detail of what has only been alluded to in the

present chapter, besides other hints of great value in reference

to a trapping campaign.

