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Fly Fishing
The Trappers Miscellany
A Light Home-made Boat
The following gives an easy method of making a light and serviceable bateau, which any boy, with moderate ingenuity or skill, could easily construct:-- Select two boards, about three-quarters of an inch in thickness, eighteen or twenty inches in ...
American Fur Skins--their Uses At Home And Abroad
In the early history of fur apparel, its use was determined by climate; to-day, and especially in this country, it is regulated by the caprice of fashion. The mink for many years took the lead in the list of fashionable furs, but has of late been su...
Boat Building
Where trapping is carried on along the banks of the lakes and rivers, a boat of some kind becomes almost a positive necessity. The following examples represent those in most general use. Perhaps the most common form of the rough and ready order...
Curing Skins
This department of the trapper's art is one of the most important and necessary, as affecting pecuniary profits. The value of a skin in the fur market depends entirely upon the care with which it is taken from the animal and afterward prepared, and ...
Dug-out Or Log Canoe
It's general appearance is well indicated by the accompanying illustration. With the proper tools, one of these canoes is easily made. A sharp axe, an adze, a shaving knife, a round edged adze, and a small auger, are principally necessary; and a cro...
How To Tan The Skins Of Beaver Otter Raccoon And Marten
These should be stretched on a board and smeared with a mixture composed of three ounces each, of salt and alum; three gills of water, and one drachm of sulphuric acid. This should be thickened with wheat bran or flour, and should be allowed to dry ...
Insect Ointments
These insects seem to have a special aversion for the scent of pennyroyal--an herb growing commonly in sandy localities--and a single plant rubbed upon the face and hands will often greatly check their attacks. The oil of pennyroyal is better, ho...
Market Value Of Fur Skins
Below will be found an authentic table of the comparative values of the various American furs at the present date of publication. The quotations are those of one of our largest fur dealers, as published in THE HAT, CAP AND FUR TRADE REVIEW, the lead...
Observations On The History Of Furs And The Fur Trade
In all cold climates, man has availed himself liberally of the warm covering with which nature has clothed the animals around him; but the wealth of the most favored nations has drawn to them the most beautiful furs, in whatever part of the world th...
These commodities are almost indispensable to the trapper where he pursues his vocation in the winter time, during the prevalence of deep snows. When properly made they permit the wearer to walk over the surface of the snow with perfect ease; where,...
The board stretcher is the simplest form and is in most common use among trappers for the smaller animals. These stretchers are of two kinds, the plain and the wedged. The plain stretcher consists of a piece of board a quarter of an inch in thicknes...
Tanning Skins
In case some of our readers might desire to tan fur skins for their own domestic purposes, the subjoined directions will be found to be reliable, and for all ordinary requirements, sufficiently adequate. For tanning with the hair on, the skin shou...
Tent Carpeting
We have described a most excellent contrivance for a bedstead and recommend its use whenever possible; but when the bed is desired to be made on the ground the following method is usually employed, by which the whole interior of the tent, hut or sha...
The Hoop Stretcher
This consists of a hoop made from one or more flexible switches tied together so as to form a circle. In order to be adapted to this mode of stretching, the skin should be flat, i. e. taken off as described on page 172, the initial cut extending fro...
The Indian Or Birch-bark Canoe
Where the white birch grows in perfection, and the trees attain a large size, the chief material of the birch bark canoe is at hand; and although we ordinary mortals could not be expected to attain to that perfection of skill which the Indians exhib...
The Scow
The bateau we have above described is built so as to allow for considerable speed in the water, either in rowing or sculling; but where this speed is not especially desired the pointed bows may be dispensed with, and the sides of the boat made perfe...
The Toboggan Or Indian Sledge
For winter traffic over deep snows there is no better sled in the world than the Indian toboggan. To the trapper during a winter campaign it is often an indispensable convenience, and without it the Indian hunters of the North would find great diffi...
To Tan Mink And Muskrat Skins
Before tanning, the skin should always be thoroughly cleansed in warm water, and all fat and superfluous flesh removed. It should then be immersed in a solution made of the following ingredients: Five gallons of cold soft water; five quarts wheat b...