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How To Tan The Skins Of Beaver Otter Raccoon And Marten


These should be stretched on a board and smeared with a mixture

composed of three ounces each, of salt and alum; three gills of

water, and one drachm of sulphuric acid. This should be thickened

with wheat bran or flour, and should be allowed to dry on the skin,

after which it should be scraped off with a spoon. Next, take the

skin from the board, roll it with the fur inside, and draw it quickly

backward and forward, ov
r a smooth peg, or through an iron ring.

The skin should then be unfolded and rolled again the opposite

way, and the operation repeated until the pelt is quite soft and

flexible. This is a good way of softening all kinds of skins, and

the above preparation will be found excellent for all ordinary

purposes. The muskrat skin may be treated in the same manner as

the above, if desired, and the process directed on the muskrat

skin may also be applied to the pelts of the other animals.

To remove the fur for a simple tanned skin, the hide should be

immersed in a liquid composed of--soft water, five gallons; slaked

lime, four quarts; and wood ashes, four quarts. Allow

the skin to soak for a couple of days, after which the fur will

readily slip off.

Another method--take equal parts wood ashes and slaked lime, and

add water to the consistency of batter. Spread this over the inside

of the skin, roll it up, and place it in a pail, covering it with

water. Here let it remain from one to five days, or until the hair

will shed easily, after which it should be finished with the fleshing

knife and velveted with sand paper.

