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The Double Ender


This is what we used to call it in New England and it was a great

favorite among the boys who were fond of rabbit catching. It was

constructed of four boards two feet in length by nine inches in

breath secured with nails at their edges, so as to form a long

square box. Each end was supplied with a heavy lid working on two

hinges. To each of these lids a light strip of wood was fastened,

the length of each being suffici
nt to reach nearly to the middle

of the top of the box, as seen in the illustration. At this point

a small auger hole was then made downward through the board. A

couple of inches of string was next tied to the tip of each stick

and supplied with a large knot at the end. The trap was then set on

the simple principle of which there are so many examples throughout

the pages of this work. The knots were lowered through the auger

hole and the insertion of the bait stick inside the box held them

in place. The edge of the bottom board on each end of the trap

should be supplied with a tin catch such as is described on page

88 in order to hold the lid in place after it has fallen. No matter

from which end the bait is approached it is no sooner touched than

both ends fall and bunny is prisoner. Like many other of our

four-footed game, the rabbit manifests a peculiar liking for salt

and may be regularly attracted to a given spot by its aid. A salted

cotton string is sometimes extended several yards from the trap

for the purpose of leading them to it, but this seems a needless

precaution, as the rabbit is seldom behind hand in discerning a

tempting bait when it is within his reach.

