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Quail Snare


which forms the subject of our first illustration. This consists

of a series of nooses fastened to a strong twine or wire. They

may be of any number, and should either consist of fine wire,

horse-hair, or fine fish-line. If of wire, common brass sucker

wire, to be found in nearly all hardware establishments and country

stores, is the best. Each noose should be about four inches in

diameter. To make it, a small l
op should be twisted on one end of

the wire, and the other passed through it, thus making a slipping

loop, which will be found to work very easily. Fifteen or twenty of

these nooses should be made, after which they should be fastened

either to a stout string or wire, at distances of about four inches

from each other, as seen in our illustration. Each end of the long

string supporting the nooses should then be fastened to a wooden

peg. After selecting the ground, the pegs should be driven into

the earth, drawing the string tightly, as seen in our illustration.

The ground around the nooses should then be sprinkled with corn,

oats, and the like, and the trap is set. As a general thing, it

is advisable to set it in a neighborhood where quails are known

to abound; and as they run all over the ground in search of food,

they are sure to come across the bait strewn for them, and equally

as certain to be caught and entangled in the nooses. The writer

has known as many as six quails to be thus caught at a time, on

a string of only twelve nooses. Partridges and woodcock will

occasionally be found entangled in the snare, and it will oft-times

happen that a rabbit will be secured by the device.

