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Cage Trap


The common cage trap is well known to most of our readers, and for

the capture of rats and mice, it is one of the most efficacious

devices in existence. The construction of one of these traps is

quite a difficult operation, and we would hesitate before advising

our inventive reader to exercise his patience and ingenuity in the

manufacture of an article which can be bought for such a small

price, and which, after all, i
only a mouse trap. If it were a

device for the capture of the mink or otter, it might then be

well worth the trouble, and would be likely to repay the time and

labor expended upon it. We imagine that few would care to exercise

their skill over a trap of such complicated structure, while our

pages are filled with other simpler and equally effective examples.

For the benefit, however, of such as are of an inventive turn of

mind, we subjoin an illustration of the trap to serve as a guide.

The principle upon which it works is very simple. The bait is

strewn inside the cage, and the rats or mice find their only access

to it through the hole at the top. The wires here converge at the

bottom, and are pointed at the ends. The passage downwards is an

easy matter, but to escape through the same opening is impossible,

as the pointed ends of the wires effectually prevent the ascent.

It is a notable fact, however, that the efforts to escape through

this opening are very seldom made. The mode of entering seems to

be absolutely forgotten by the captive animals, and they rush

frantically about the cage, prying between all the wires in their

wild endeavors, never seeming to notice the central opening by which

they entered. This is easily explained by the fact that the open

grating admits the light from all sides, and the enclosed victims

are thus attracted to no one spot in particular, and naturally rush

to the extreme edges of the trap, in the hope of finding an exit.

If a thick cloth be placed over the cage, leaving the opening at

the top uncovered, the confined creatures are soon attracted by

the light, and lose no time in rushing towards it, where their

endeavors to ascend are effectually checked by the pointed wires.

Profiting by this experiment, the author once improvised a simple

trap on the same principle, which proved very effectual. We will

call it

