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A Fish Trap


Our list of traps would be incomplete without a Fish Trap, and

although we have mentioned some contrivances in this line under

our article on Fishing we here present one which is both new

and novel.

Its mode of construction is exactly similar to the Double Box Snare,

page (57). A section of stove-pipe one foot in length should first

be obtained. Through the iron at a point equidistant
from the ends,

a hole should be made with some smooth, sharp pointed instrument,

the latter being forced outward from the inside of the pipe,

thus causing the ragged edge of the hole to appear on the outside,

as seen in our illustration. The diameter of the aperture

should be about that of a lead pencil. Considering this as the upper

side of the pipe, proceed to pierce two more hole's downward

through the side of the circumference, for the admission of a stout

stick or steel rod. This is fully explained in our illustration. The

further arrangement of bait stick and nooses is exactly identical

with that described on page (57). It may be set for suckers, pickerel,

and fish of like size, the bait stick being inserted with sufficient

firmness to withstand the attacks of smaller fish. The bait should

be firmly tied to the stick, or the latter supplied with two hooks

at the end on which it should be firmly impaled. To set the trap,

select a locality abounding in fish. Place a stone inside the bottom

of the pipe, insert the bait stick and arrange the nooses.

By now quietly grasping the curve of the switch the trap may be

easily lowered to the bottom. The bait soon attracts a multitude

of small fishes; these in turn attract the pickerel to the spot,

and before many minutes the trap is sprung and may be raised from

the water with its prisoner. This odd device is an invention of

the author's, and it is as successful as it is unique.

