Look at the Date on Your Film
X On And In The Water
Even the best photographer cannot take good photographs unless he has
good films. On the box of every roll of films is stamped the latest date
when it may be safely developed and it is foolish to try to have a film
developed after that date has passed. When you buy your films be sure
they are fresh ones and that the date insures you ample time; one year
ahead is none too long.
Do not open the box or take the wrappings from a roll of films until you
are ready to load your camera. Then save both box and wrappings, and
when your films have been exposed, use them for covering the roll again.
Keep the wrapped and boxed rolls in a dark place until they can be
developed. Dampness will spoil both films and plates. If you are in a
damp climate, or on shipboard, keep them in a tin box, tightly closed.