Hunting the Quail
Xiii Camp Fun And Frolics
This is something like the old game of hide-and-seek, with which all
girls are familiar, and it will not be difficult to learn. The players
are divided into "hunter" and "quails." The hunter is "It," and any
counting-out rhyme will decide who is to take that part. When the
hunter, with closed eyes, has counted her hundred, and the quails have
scurried away to their hiding-places behind trees, bushes, or rocks, the
hunt begins, and at the same time begins the cry of the quails:
"Bob-White! Bob-White! Bob-White!" These calls, coming from every
direction, are very bewildering, and the hunter must be alert to detect
the direction of one particular sound and quick to see the flight of a
quail and catch her before she can reach the home goal and find shelter
there. The first quail caught becomes hunter in her turn, and the noisy,
rollicking game continues as long as the players wish. Another romping
game is called