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To Find Your Way by the North Star

Categories: Iii Camping

At night you will have the same reliable guide that has ever been the

mariner's friend, and if you do not know this star guide, lose no time

in finding it.

Polaris or pole-star is known generally as North Star, and this star is

most important to the outdoor girl. At all times the North Star marks

the north, its position never changes, and seeing that star and _knowing

it_, you will always know the points
f the compass. Face the North

Star and you face the north. At your right hand is the east, at your

left hand is the west, and at your back is the south.

The North Star does not look very important because it is not very

bright or very large, and were it not for the help of the Big Dipper,

which every one knows, the North Star would not be easy to find. The

diagram given on page 37 shows the relative position of the stars and

will help you to find the North Star. The two stars forming the front

side of the bowl of the Great Dipper point almost in a direct line to

the North Star, which is the last one in the handle of the Little

Dipper, or the tail of the Little Bear, which means the same thing.

