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Red Raspberry

Categories: Vii Wild Food On The Trail

The wild berry often has a more delicious flavor and perfume than the

cultivated one of the same species. Nothing can approach the wonderful

and delicate flavor of the little wild strawberry, unless it is the wild

red raspberry; and the fully ripe wild blackberry holds a spicy

sweetness that makes the garden blackberry taste tame and flat in


The _wild red raspberry_ is found in open fields and
growing along

fences and the sides of the road. The flowers are white and grow in

loose clusters, while the berry, when fully ripe, is a deep, translucent

red. The bush is shrubby, is generally about waist-high, and the stems

bear small, hooked prickles. The leaves are what is called compound,

being composed of three or five leaflets, usually three, which branch

out from the main stem like the leaves of the rose-bush. The edges of

the leaves are irregularly toothed.

The berry is cup-shaped and fits over a core which is called the

receptacle, and from which it loosens when ripe to drop easily into your

hand, leaving the receptacle and calyx on the stem. The sweet,

far-carrying perfume of the gathered wild red raspberry will always

identify it. The season for fruit is July and August.

