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Check List of Kitchen Utensils

Categories: Iv What To Wear On The Trail

Two dish-pans, one for piping-hot sudsy water for

washing dishes, the other for scalding-hot rinsing

water. The last pan can also be used for mixing

and bread-making. Select pans strong and of light

weight--canvas, aluminum, or tin--and be sure they

nest or fold.

Two water-pails, fitted one within the other, both

light weig

One coffee-pot, size to fit in pails, must not be

too high. Cocoa can be made in the coffee-pot.

One frying-pan, for corn-dodgers, flapjacks, fried

mush, eggs, etc.

One folding camp-oven, for hot biscuits, bread

puddings, and many other good things relished by

hungry campers.

One wash-basin, to be kept strictly for washing

hands, when cooking.

One large spoon, for stirring and general use.

One kitchen-knife, suitable for cutting bread,

carving meat, turning pancakes, etc.

One kitchen-fork, strong and big, but not a


One Dutch oven pot, a strong seamless pot with

cover, to use for baking, boiling, and stewing.

Three dish-towels, washed after every meal.

One dish mop or cloth, washed and dried after each

meal; dry in sun when possible.

Four large cakes of soap.

One thick holder, for lifting pots. Hang this up

in a certain place where it may always be found

when needed.

One pepper and one salt shaker, small and light in


One net air-bag, for meat, fish, and anything that

must be kept fresh (Fig. 33) and protected from

the flies. Use strong net and two or more hoops

for the air-bag. With pincers you can twist the

two ends of strong wire together and make the

hoops of size large enough to hold the net out

away from a large piece of meat. Cut the net long

enough to stand above and hang below the meat.

Gather the top edge tightly together and sew it

fast; then sew the hoop near the top of the bag.

Other hoops on either side of centre of bag and a

hoop near bottom of bag, or sew only one hoop at

the top and one at the bottom. Have strong

draw-strings in the bottom of the bag, and fasten

a pendent hook at the top to hold the meat hanging

free inside of the bag. With copper wire attach a

good-sized ring on top of the bag, wire it through

the handle of the pendent hook and weld them

together. When in use, the bag should be suspended

high from the ground by means of a rope pulley run

through the top ring and over the limb of a

near-by tree. Similar air-bags can be obtained, if

desired, from camp-outfitters.

When selecting cooking utensils for the camp, you will find those with

detachable handles pack better and for that reason are desirable.

Do not forget that every check-list given may be reduced; don't think

you must include all the items. For these lists give outfits for

permanent as well as temporary camps. If you can manage with _one towel_

by washing it every day, or evening, allowing it to dry during the

night, one towel will be sufficient; leave the others at home. Drop

from the various lists every article you can possibly dispense with and

still be comfortable in camp.

If you wear the camp suit travelling from home to camp, its weight and

bulk will be omitted from your camp pack, and be so much to your gain,

and you will maintain a good appearance notwithstanding, for if well

made and of proper fit the dress will be a suitable travelling costume.

