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Cooking Utensils

Categories: Vi Making Friends With The Outdoor Folk

A forked stick with points sharpened makes a fine toasting-fork or

broiling-stick for bacon or other small pieces of meat. The meat is

stuck on the two prongs and held over the fire.

A split-end stick may be used for the same purpose by wedging the bacon

in between the two sides of the split.

Your rolling-pin can be a peeled, straight, smooth, round stick, and a

similar stick, not necessaril
straight but longer, may do duty as a

biscuit baker when a strip of dough is wound spirally around it and held

over the fire.

A hot flat stone can also be used for baking biscuits, and a large

flat-topped rock makes a substitute for table and bread-board combined.

If you have canned goods, save every tin can when empty, melt off the

top, and with nail and hammer puncture a hole on two opposite sides near

the top, and fasten in a rootlet handle. These cans make very

serviceable and useful cooking-pails.

Whittle out a long-handled cake-turner from a piece of thin split wood,

and also whittle out a large flat fork.

Make a number of pot-hooks of different lengths, they are constantly

needed at camp; select strong green sticks with a crotch on one end and

drive a nail slantingly into the wood near the bottom of the stick on

which to hang kettles, pots, etc. Be sure to have the nail turn up and

the short side of the crotch turn down as in diagram.

Campers employ various methods of making candlesticks. One method is to

lash a candle to the side of the top of a stake driven into the ground,

or the stake can have a split across the centre of the top, and the

candle held upright by a strip of bark wedged in the split with a loop

on one side holding the candle and the two ends of the bark extending

out beyond the other side of the stake. Again the candle is stuck into a

little mound of clay, mud, or wet sand. If you have an old glass bottle,

crack off the bottom by pouring a little water in the bottle and placing

it for a short while on the fire embers; then plant your candle in the

ground and slide the neck of the bottle over the candle. Steady it by

planting the neck of the bottle a little way in the ground and the glass

bottle will act as a windbreak for your candle.

Never leave a candle burning even for a moment unless some one is

present; it is a dangerous experiment. Fire cannot be trifled with. _Put

out_ your candle before leaving it.

A good idea before going away from camp when vacation is over is to

photograph all the different pieces of your outdoor handicraft, and when

the prints are made label each one with the month, date, and year and

state material used, time required in the making, and comments on the

work by other camp members.

Be sure to take photographs of different views of the camp as a whole,

also of each separate shelter, both the outside and the inside, and have

pictures of all camp belongings.

The authors will be greatly interested in seeing these.

