Iii Camping
Mix dry flour, baking-powder, and salt together, 1 good teaspoonful of
Royal baking-powder to every 2 cups of flour, and 1 level teaspoonful of
salt to 1 quart (4 cups) of flour. To make the batter, beat 1 egg and
add 1-1/2 cups of milk, or 1 cup of milk and 1/2 cup of water;
unsweetened condensed milk diluted according to directions on can may be
used. Carefully and gradually stir in enough of the flour you have
ed to make a creamy batter, be sure it is smooth and without
lumps; then stir in 1 heaping teaspoonful of sugar, better still
molasses, to make the cakes brown. Grease the frying-pan with a piece of
fat pork or bacon, have the pan hot, and, with a large spoon or a cup,
ladle out the batter into the pan, forming three small cakes to be
turned by a knife, or one large cake to be turned by tossing. Use the
knife to lift the edges of the cakes as they cook, and when you see them
a golden brown, turn quickly. Or, if the cake is large, loosen it; then
lift the pan and quickly toss the cake up into the air in such a way
that it will turn over and land safely, brown side up, on the pan.
Unless you are skilled in tossing flapjacks, don't risk wasting the cake
by having it fall on the ground or in the fire, but confine your efforts
to the small, knife-turned cakes. Serve them "piping hot," and if there
are no plates, each camper can deftly and quickly roll her flapjack into
cylinder form of many layers and daintily and comfortably eat it while
holding the roll between forefinger and thumb.
Keep the frying-pan well greased while cooking the cakes, rubbing the
pan with grease each time before pouring in fresh batter.
Flapjacks are good with butter, delicious with creamy maple-sugar soft
enough to spread smoothly over the butter. The sugar comes in cans.
Ordinary maple-syrup can be used, but is apt to drip over the edges if
the cake is held in the hand.
Well-cooked cold rice mixed with the batter will give a delicate
griddle-cake and make a change from the regular flapjack.