Iii Camping
Fish cooked in the embers is very good, and you need not first remove
scales or fins, but clean the fish, season it with salt and pepper, wrap
it in fresh, wet, green leaves or wet blank paper, not printed paper,
and bury in the coals the same as a bird. When done the skin, scales,
and fins can all be pulled off together, leaving the delicious hot fish
ready to serve.
To boil a fish: First scale and clean
it; then cut off head and tail.
If you have a piece of new cheesecloth to wrap the fish in, it can be
stuffed with dressing made of dry crumbs of bread or biscuits well
seasoned with butter, or bits of pork, pepper, and a very small piece of
onion. The cloth covering must be wrapped around and tied with white
string. When the fish is ready, put it into boiling water to which has
been added 1 tablespoonful of vinegar and a little salt. The vinegar
tends to keep the meat firm, and the dressing makes the fish more of a
dinner dish; both, however, can be omitted. Allow about twenty minutes
for boiling a three-pound fish.
The sooner a fish is cooked after being caught the better. To scale a
fish, lay it on a flat stone or log, hold it by the head and with a
knife scrape off the scales. Scale each side and, with a quick stroke,
cut off the head and lower fins. The back fin must have incisions on
each side in order to remove it. Trout are merely scraped and cleaned by
drawing out the inside with head and gills. Do this by forcing your hand
in and grasping tight hold of the gullet.
To clean most fish it is necessary to slit open the under side, take out
the inside, wash the fish, and wipe it dry with a clean cloth.
If the camping party is fond of fish, and fish frequently forms part of
a meal, have a special clean cloth to use exclusively for drying the
_Provisions for One Person for Two Weeks. To be
Multiplied by Number of Campers, and Length of
Time if Stay is over Two Weeks_