Ix On The Trail With Your Camera
Look for the best view of a subject before using your camera; there is
always a choice. One side may be much more pleasing or more
characteristic than the other, or may show interesting details more
plainly. If you have studied drawing you will be able also to find the
view which makes the best composition. The background, too, must be
considered, and the position of the sun. The simpler the background the
better. Near
by foliage is not good for figures; it is too confused and
the figures will mingle with it. Sometimes the adjustable portrait-lens,
which can be slipped over the other, will obviate that trouble by
blurring everything not in exact focus, and this lens will allow you to
stand nearer the object and so make it larger on the film. It is not
intended for distant views and the camera should not be more than six
feet from the subject when it is used.
Quiet water makes an excellent background, also distant foliage and
hills, flat fields and meadows. These may be obtained for figures, but
often the very things you want to photograph most are in the woods with
foliage close to and all around them; then you must simply do the best
you can under the circumstances.