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The One-Day Camp

Categories: Iii Camping

Even a one-day camp fills the hours with more genuine lasting enjoyment

than girls can find in other ways; there is a charm about it which

clings in your memory, making a joy, later, of the mere thought and

telling of the event.

That every moment of the day may be filled full of enjoyment for all,

have a good programme, some definite, well-thought-out plan of

activities and sports previously prepared, and
if possible let every

girl know beforehand just what she is to do when all arrive at camp.

With an older person in charge, the party could be divided, according to

its size, into different groups, and as soon as the grounds are reached

the groups should begin the fun of preparing for the camp dinner.

If the party consists of eight, two can gather fire-wood, two build the

fireplace, two unpack the outfits, placing the provisions and cooking

utensils in order conveniently near the fire, and two can bring the

drinking water and cooking water.

Provisions and cooking utensils should be divided into as many packs as

there are campers, and every camper carry a pack. Count in the outfit

for each one a tin cup, preferably with open handle for wearing over


In the one-day camp very few cooking utensils are needed; they may

consist of two tin pails, one for drinking water, the other for boiling

water, one coffee-pot for cocoa, one frying-pan for flapjacks or eggs,

one large kitchen knife for general use, and one large spoon for

stirring batter and cocoa.

