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The Brick Trap


This is a very old invention, and has always been one of the three

or four stereotyped specimens of traps selected for publication in

all Boys' Books. It is probably well known to most of our readers.

Take four bricks, and arrange them on the ground, as seen in our

engraving, letting them rest on their narrow sides. If properly

arranged, they should have a space between them, nearly as large

as the broad
urface of the brick. A small, forked twig of the

shape shown in the separate drawing (b) having a small piece

cut away from each side of the end, should then be procured. Next

cut a slender stick, about four inches in length, bluntly pointed

at each end. A small plug with a flat top should now be driven

into the ground, inside the trap, about three inches from either

of the end bricks and projecting about two inches from the ground.

The trap is then ready to be set. Lay the flat end of the forked

twig over the top of the plug, with the forks pointing forward,

or toward the end of the enclosure nearest the plug. The pointed

stick should then be adjusted, placing one end on the flat end of

the fork, over the plug, and the other beneath the fifth brick,

which should be rested upon it. The drawing (b) clearly shows

the arrangement of the pieces. The bait, consisting of berries,

bird-seed, or other similar substances should then be scattered

on the ground on the inside of the enclosure. When the bird flies

to the trap he will generally alight on the forked twig, which by

his weight tilts to one side and dislodges the pieces, thus letting

fall the sustained brick.

It is not intended to kill the bird, and when rightly constructed

will capture it alive. Care is necessary in setting the topmost

brick in such a position that it will fall aright, and completely

cover the open space. This is a very simple and effectual little

contrivance, and can be made with a box instead of bricks, if

desired. A piece of board may also be substituted for the top brick,

and the enclosure beneath made larger by spreading the bricks further

apart, thus making a more roomy dungeon for the captive bird.

