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The Box Bird Trap


Here we have another invention somewhat resembling the foregoing.

Our engraving represents the arrangement of the parts as the trap

appears when set.

The box may be of almost any shape. A large sized cigar box has

been used with excellent success, and for small birds is just the

thing. The cover of the box in any case should work on a hinge of

some sort. The trap is easily made. The f
rst thing to be done

is to cut an upright slot, about two inches in length, through

the centre of the backboard, commencing at the upper edge. To the

inside centre edge of the cover a small square strap, about four

inches in length, should then be secured. It should be so adjusted

as that one-half shall project toward the inside of the box, as

seen in the illustration, and at the same time pass easily through

the slot beneath where the cover is closed. The lid should now be

supplied with elastics as described in the foregoing. Next in order

comes the bait stick. Its shape is clearly shown in our illustration,

and it may be either cut in one piece or consist of two parts joined

together at the angle. To the long arm the bait should be attached

and the upright portion should be just long enough to suspend the

cover in a position on a line with the top of the box. The trap may

now be set, as seen in our illustration, and should be supplied with

the necessary tin catch, described in the foregoing.

