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The Board-flap


For the capture of mice this is both a simple and effective contrivance,

and it may be enlarged so as to be of good service for larger animals.

Procure two boards, one foot square and one inch thick, and secure

them together by two hinges, as in the illustration. Assuming one

as the upper board, proceed to bore a gimlet hole three inches

from the hinges. This is for the reception of the bait stick, and

should be cut aw
y on the inside, as seen in the section (a),

thus allowing a free play for the stick. Directly beneath this

aperture, and in the lower board, a large auger hole should be made.

A stout bit of iron wire, ten inches in length, is now required.

This should be inserted perpendicularly in the further end of the

lower slab, being bent into a curve which shall slide easily through

a gimlet hole in the edge of the upper board. This portion is very

important, and should be carefully constructed. The bait stick

should be not more than three inches in length, supplied with a

notch in its upper end, and secured in the aperture in the board by

the aid of a pivot and staples, as is clearly shown in our drawing.

The spindle is next in order. It should consist of a light piece

of pine eight and a half inches in length, and brought to an edge

at each end. A tack should now be driven at the further edge of

the upper board on a line with the aperture through which the wire

passes. Our illustration represents the trap as it appears when

set. The upper band is raised to the full limit of the wire. One

end of the spindle is now adjusted beneath the head of the tack,

and the other in the notch in the bait stick. The wire thus supports

the suspended board by sustaining the spindle, which is held in

equilibrium. A slight touch on the bait stick soon destroys this

equilibrium: a flap ensues, and a dead mouse is the result. The

object of the auger hole in the lower board consists in affording a

receptacle for the bait when the boards come together, as otherwise

it would defeat its object, by offering an obstruction to the fall

of the board, and thus allow its little mouse to escape.

It is, therefore, an essential part of the trap, and should be carefully

tested before being finally set.

