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Check List of Apparel

Categories: Iv What To Wear On The Trail

Go light when off for the woods, take with you only those things which

seem to be absolutely necessary; remember that you will carry your own

pack and be your own laundress, so hesitate about including too many

washable garments. Make out your list, then consider the matter

carefully and realize that every one of the articles, even the very

smallest, has a way of growing heavier and heavier and adding to the

sing weight of your pack the longer you walk, so be wise,

read over your list and cut it down, decide that you _can_ do without a

number of things thought at first to be indispensable.

In addition to your camp dress described, the following list forms a

basis to work upon, to be added to, taken from, or substitution made

according to location, climate, and nature of the country where you will

pitch camp:

One extra suit of wool underwear. Wash suit as

soon as changed.

One extra pair of stockings. Every morning put on

a fresh pair, washing the discarded ones the same


One high-necked, long-sleeved, soft, woven

undershirt for cold days.

One extra thin middy-blouse for hot days.

Three pocket handkerchiefs, each laundered as soon

as discarded.

One kimono, soft, warm wool, buttoned down front,

not eider-down (it is too bulky), color brown or

dark gray.

One bathing-suit without skirt, made in one-piece,

loose, belted waist with bloomers; suit opened on

shoulders with strong button and buttonhole


One warm sweater with high turned-over collar and

sleeves good and long. On the trail carry your

sweater by tying the sleeves around your waist,

allowing the sweater to hang down at the back.

One pair of gloves, strong, pliable, easy-fitting

chamois, if you feel that you need them. The bare,

free hands are better.

One pair of strong, snug, well-fitting leggins

matching camp dress in color, with no buttons or

buckles to tangle on underbrush. The fastening can

be covered by smooth outer flap.

One pair of felt slippers or thick-soled moccasins

for tent.

Four extra strips of elastic for renewing those in

knees of bloomers.

One large, strong, soft silk or cotton

neckerchief, for protecting neck from sun, rain,

and cold, also good to fold diagonally and use for

arm sling or tie over hat in a hard wind; silk is


Two head-nets if your stay is long, one if short,

to be worn in case of swarms of pestiferous flies

and mosquitoes. Especially needed for protection

from the midge, black-fly, etc., found in northern

forests and elsewhere during the spring and

through to the middle or last of July. Your net

can be of fine mesh bobbinet; if you have only

white, dye it black; all other colors are apt to

dazzle the eyes. The best material to use is black

Brussels net. Cut a strip of net long enough to

fit easily around your shoulders and allow of some

fulness. Take the measurement smoothly around the

shoulders with a piece of tape and add to this

about three-eighths of the entire length you have

just measured, which will give you the length

required. The width should be sufficient to allow

of the net reaching from base of hat crown across

over brim and down over top of shoulders, about

twenty-two inches or more in all. Cut the net

according to size needed; then fold the strip at

centre across the width, fold again, making four

even folds. Once more fold and you will have

divided the net into eight equal parts. Mark the

net at each fold and open it out (Fig. 30). Cut

armholes in the divisions marked 2 (Fig. 30) to

fit over the shoulders, sew together the two ends,

bind the shoulder armholes holding the net loosely

that it may not pull and strain. Sew an elastic to

back corner of each armhole, hem the top of net

strip and run an elastic through hem to fit snugly

on base of hat crown. Gather lower edges of net;

then try the net on, adjusting lower and upper

gathers so that the veil will blouse a little,

remembering not to let the net touch your face; if

it should, the little tormentors will bite through

and torture you. Sew a piece of black tape across

lower edge of the front and another across lower

edge of the back, fitting the tape to lie smoothly

over chest and back; then bring forward the

hanging pieces of elastic, adjust them comfortably

under the arms, and mark length of elastic to

reach around under arm and fasten with dress snaps

at front corner of armhole. Cut elastic and finish

net (Fig. 31).

_Ornaments_--Never take rings, bracelets,

necklaces, or jewelry of any kind to camp; leave

all such things at home, and with them ribbons,

beads, and ornaments of all descriptions.

